Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio Sponsorship
Exclusive Business Interview Package
Fee: $600
Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio listeners are fraud and security industry practitioners, thought leaders, and decision makers. An exclusive business interview with Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio will expose and market your brand or product to leaders in the fraud and security industry.
We will discuss with a guest from your company how your business is changing the industry while marketing your products, services and expertise during an Exclusive Business Interview with Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio hosted by Skip Myers. Research and collaboration into your unique content will be included to inspire informative conversation with the business guest. Remote podcast interviews are conducted using a web conferencing application.
- Includes 1 pre-recording consultation with the business guest and review of podcast content and format. We want to make you feel comfortable with the flow and interview structure of the podcast.
- Links to your website and social media accounts will be included in the podcast episode notes.
- A business guest bio will be included in the podcast episode notes to help develop authority and reputation between you and my listeners.
- Episode length: Most Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio episodes range from 25 – 45 minutes.
- Each episode is recorded, edited, mixed, produced, and published exclusively by Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio.
- Search Engine Optimization or SEO will be included. We want your episode to be searchable and found on the internet while building authority for your brand and subject matter.
Episode Sponsorship
- We will “live read” a 30 second sponsorship mention at the start of the episode, Example: “This episode is brought to you by “[your business name here]”. We will work with you on your specific wording and content.
- Your business logo or banner image will be displayed in the podcast episode show notes linking back to your site or special offer.
- Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio receives approximately 1000 hits per month from a variety of referral networks and marketing channels.
- Includes 1 email blast sent to approximately 800+ subscribers.
- Includes 1 LinkedIn post sent the day of the podcast release to approximately 1700 followers.
- Your Episode will be available on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, Tune-In, Cast, Podbean, (podcast hosting site), and many other podcasts download apps and sites.
- Your Episode will be converted into a YouTube video for easy viewing and sharing.
- Links to your podcast episode and Ruin a Bad Guy’s Day Radio logo will be provided for inclusion to your website, blog, or social media sites.